Tvetene Carlson Tvetene is an experimentalist looking at particles and objects in turbulent flow. He's beginning work on a tidal energy project characterizing the system in lab and field water flow. He's particularly excited to conduct interviews with rural Alaskan residents to identify how this system can fit into their community to help with and minimize disturbance to their food, water, and energy supplies. |
Lily Engel Lily is interested in modeling ecosystems' response to long term climatic change, specifically focusing on the San Francisco Bay. She previously attended the University of Arizona in the Biosystems Engineering and Mathematics departments. |
Matt Falcone Matt is interested in climate change adaptation, specifically coastal vulnerability and resiliency. He intends to focus on the challenges facing coastal regions and communities subject to sea level rise, flooding, and other phenomena that will be exacerbated by climate change. |
Jeannie Wilkening Jeannie’s research focuses on interactions between water and vegetation in the critical zone. Currently, she is working on developing a coupled model for plant water uptake that combines a stable isotope tracking model with a plant physiology model and conducting supporting field and greenhouse studies. She has also worked on applying simple hydrological models to better understand the drivers and patterns of plant pathogen spread. |
Lukas WinklerPrins Lukas's research focuses on coastal and estuarine morphology, hydrology, and sediments, the goal being to understand the impacts of sea level rise and engineered modifications to our coastal areas. Following a background in applied mathematics, he is also interested in the use of simple and effective analytical models. Contrary to his background in applied mathematics, he loves doing field work. |
Adam Wise Adam’s research focuses on multiscale atmospheric modeling applied to wind turbines. He is particularly interested in wake effects in different stability conditions. |