
I am interested in developing computational fluid dynamics models that solve small scale fluid dynamics and heat transfer problems in the natural sciences. The fluid dynamics problems that I am interested in exploring involve multiphase flows and fluid and solid interactions. I have a broad range in future research goals that are related to the following topics in the natural sciences: settling particles or droplets in non-colloidal systems, rheology of colloidal particles, swimming microorganisms in suspension or fluid flow, the motion of non-spherical particles in fluid flow, stratified flows, the motion of flexible filaments or capsules in fluid flows, and the motion of particles or living organisms at fluid interfaces. While my previous research has focused on fluid and solid interactions in low Reynolds number laminar flows, I am interested in learning more about fluid and solid interactions in turbulent flows which are more characteristic of actual flow conditions.

Fig. A - The recovery stroke of a weak "puller" in a stagnant background flow in two-dimensions.

Fig. B - Numerical domain used for the simulation of model microorganisms using the Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) for solid particles in fluid flow.